Tuesday, May 6, 2014

my favorite book i've ever read i read in school for a project. this book is rita hayworth and the shawshank redemption. i read it for a bulldog project and i finished it in one day because i loved it so much.
My favorite beach read was Killing Lincoln because i read it at the beach. i read it over the summer while i was down the shore. it was a quick book when i followed the story like i was there while the oceans breeze hit my face. it is one of my favorite books of all time which might be because i read it on the beach in a calm environment.

As a child you laugh at a lot of silly things especially in books. A book that made me laugh as a child was green eggs and ham. i remember when my mom would read it to me every time he asked if he wanted the green eggs and ham i would laugh because it was childish and funny at the time. this book my mom would read to me when i was sad and it would bring me up.
A book that i read when i was in about 5th grade was Shiloh this book made me cry. As a 5th grader a touching story about a dog really hit home. Because at any age no one really ever wants a dog to die and especially when u get captivated into loving this dog and then it dies you will always be sad. i remember this being my favorite book at this time because after we read it in school i made my parents go out and buy the movie.

Friday, May 2, 2014

This book inspired me because Louie never quit. even when he was on the raft for 47 days and when he was in the camps for years. This book told me to never give up and to always have hope which I use to inspire me to try harder like in sports. and in the future if i get into any situation like this i will remember this book and what Louie did and i will try to push through and do the same.